After researching shops that sell Adidas and offer international shipping, we think that is probably the best place to buy your next pair of Adidas sneakers or leisurewear from if you are after online international shipping. This is because they have large range, and whilst not the cheapest, do offer good worldwide delivery, which is free to some countries. Read on for our list of 6 of the best Adidas retailers.
Top Pick

Our top pick for Adidas shopping with international shipping is Why? Well after researching the best shops considering range of products, shipping prices and customer care, we think that it is hard to beat them. You may not find everything you are looking for especially in the footwear department.
Adidas with international shipping
Adidas are a popular and well known sports brand that manufacture a wide range of sporting and fashion goods. Most famous probably for their running shoes or sneakers, Adidas have been making sports shoes since 1949, most notably spiked track shoes. They are a German company headquartered in Bavaria, but are a common sight all over the world, especially in the USA where Adidas has been fashionable, especially in popular culture, for many years. They have done collaborations with many people including Kanye West and his Yeezy Boost designs, or Stella McCartney.
Many shops all over the world sell Adidas trainers, shoes and athletic clothing for men and women. Sometimes it is not possible to get the exact item you are after and sometimes prices are better overseas in the USA or Europe. So, how best to find the top shops with international shipping for buying Adidas gear?
We have scoured the internet to find the top shops that sell Adidas and have found a selection of them that we think offer the best selection, good worldwide shipping and are reliable and reputable. We think that shops with this combination of attributes will be the best and most trustworthy to buy from. We will go through each shop looking at a selection of popular Adidas products to find out which is our top pick. Some shops we have listed may not ship to all countries in the world, if this is so, you may need to get an overseas or US address. Follow the link for advice. sell their products online, but unfortunately don’t offer international shipping.
Some products we compared on each shop include: The CRAZY EXPLOSIVE 2017 PRIMEKNIT SHOES, The ULTRABOOST X MID SHOES and more general Adidas running shoes.
2. Amazon
Good for: Large selection. Great reputation. Less so: Limited Adidas products available with international shipping.
Amazon are, of course, a good place to start. They almost everything and have a marketplace where other sellers can sell their stuff too. They offer international shipping on some of their products, but not all.
Despite this Amazon did not fare that well on our tests. We know that they are reputable and their prices are usually affordable, they offer international shipping to most countries but, for the products we used in this research we couldn’t find any that could be bought from overseas, this might be a territorial issue for the brand owner rather than Amazon’s. So worth searching on but there might be better shops for more choice that delivers to your region.
3. Sports Direct
Good for: Sportswear, track shoes and athleisure wear. Good shipping. are probably the biggest sports and leisure wear shops in the UK and perhaps Europe. They sell a large selection of Adidas clothing and deliver to many countries worldwide. They offer a good Adidas bra finder on their website which ensures that you get the right fit for your sports bra. They also have a large selection of Adidas running shoes, from pro track spiked shoes to jogging trainers. Again we could not find the two shoes that we set for the research, but there is a real depth of choice here. They are reputable with a large network of stores and a good international shipping policy.
Good for: Fashion and leisure clothing, less so athletic wear.
Moving away from sports retailers we have a large fashion and clothing store called ASOS, they have large international operations, and sell quantity of branded fashion products including Adidas. Here you will find the latest trends as well as the Originals, probably more clothing than shoes and no track shoes. International shipping tends to be free at Asos, and they have been around for over a decade by now.
This shop is probably more for the international fashionistas, shoppers looking for branded leisurewear rather than the latest sports or running kit. Free international shipping is available at ASOS.
5. Foot Locker
Good for: Shoes, sneakers, trainers.
Foot Locker is another international retailer specializing in sports shoes. They have a large range of sporting shoes and fashion shoes. Adidas, of course, is one of their most popular brands. We found that if you visit you can get international shipping, there is a price to pay for the privilege. A 28% handling fee on the net sale amount. This could make things expensive, but if you are looking for that item, it could be a price worth paying. Thy scored well in our search, as they had one of the products in stock and at the cheapest price, the crazy explosive 2017 PrimeKit shoe was cheaper than itself.
JDSports are another UK leisure and sports wear store, like Sports Direct that also offer international shipping. Their international section is known as Global JD Sports, and they ship to over 220 countries. They brand themselves as the King of Trainers and have a huge Adidas section on the website, and not just shoes and trainers or sneakers, but clothing and accessories too. International delivery is about £10 and express delivery is available.
Good for: Trainers – they’re the self appointed King of Trainers!
Package Forwarders
If you have found the item you want to buy but the shop doesn’t offer international shipping, then you will probably have to consider an overseas shipping address and package forwarder. These companies allow you to buy a product from overseas that you would not normally be able to and will ship it internationally to you. Even if the shop does ship to your country, sometimes it is worth taking advantage of one, to consolidate or repackage your shopping at least. Our pick for forwarders is
Adidas have a large range of products so the best shop that sells what you want and has international shipping is going to be different for most people. They’re a popular brand and available at many many shops worldwide. If you are after the latest must have trend, like the Yeezy sneakers or Stella McCartney’s designs, you probably aren’t going to care about how much shipping is to Dubai, India or Australia. So that leaves a multitude of ways of getting your shipping including a forwarder like or
But as most people want the adidas shoes we think that for most overseas shoppers ASOS will provide the best service and the greatest range. International shipping is expensive, but the initial price is cheaper, and you can always use a forwarder to repackage and ave on sales tax if you buy from the USA.
So, our pick for the best online shop for Adidas with international shipping is or if looking for sportswear
*Some of the shops on this age may pay us a commission. This commission does not bias our decision and if you click on the links you may be supporting this website to provide more detailed and useful advice and information. Thank you.
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